heroinat for the nation?

Right in the centre of Pristina, the Monument HEROINAT was built up in 2015. As a first monument of this type, it remembers the 20.000 women who have faced rape and sexual violence during war times. It is made out of 20.000 medals that have the relief of a womens' head. Not only L.Gusia and N.Luci, my teachers at the summer school, see this monument very critically.
The anonymity of the 20.000 similar faces are striking. The "sacrifice" and "contribution" of women is questionable, seen the fact that it wasn't a choice. And the fact, that the "portrait reflects values of dignity, dedication, education, care, courage and endurance" seems to be cynic in regards to the personal biografies. Who would want to sacrifice for a nation? Who wants to contribute to the creation of nationalist narratives? Who wants a medal for being raped?

The architects who did it, molos group, show it in their website in between billboard advertisement projects and shopping malls: http://molosgroup.com/heroinat-memorial-2/

The artist Ana Cigon made a documentary around this monument during her residency at stacion art centre: http://www.gendernet.info/en/project/non-traditional-heroines-2/

Not very critical, but with information: https://www.opendemocracy.net/5050/adem-ferizaj/wartime-rape-is-no-longer-kept-under-wraps-in-kosovo



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